NCHD Conference 2025

March 2025 – Details to follow

NCHD Conference 2024


We are pleased to announce that the 15th annual NCHD Conference will take place on Friday, 23rd February 2024 in the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8.

The theme for this year’s conference is ‘#Trending’ with a particular focus on exploring topical themes in psychiatry relevant to trainees. 

On the day, plenary talks and workshops will explore this topic and attendees will have the opportunity to hear from some of our most experienced Consultant Psychiatrists on a range of subjects including Personality Disorders, Functional Disorders, and Drug Trends as well as breakout sessions on career advice, examination preparation and getting into research.

It promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable NCHD Conference for 2024.

The CPsychI and the Trainee Committee look forward to seeing you there!

Registration is closed

Schedule of Events

8:30 – 9:15 Registration
9:15 – 9:30 Welcome Address – Dr Lorcan Martin
9:30 – 10:00 “Gender Incongruence” – Dr Joanne Fegan, Miss Frances Salinger
10:00 – 10:30 “Personal Disorders” – Dr Jeff Timoney, Dr Gavin Rush
10:30 – 11:00 “Functional Disorders” – Dr Ana-Maria Clarke
11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK
11:30 – 12:30 Keynote Speech – Dr Justin Brophy
12:30 – 12:50 Research Opportunities – Associate Prof. Brian O’Donoghue
12:50 – 13:00 Awarding of the Medical Student and Intern Essay Prize 2024
13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH

1.       BST Examination Preparation – Dr Lorcan Martin

2.       CV Planning – Dr Mary Davoren

3.       Statistics in Research – Prof. Anne Doherty

15:00 – 15:30 COFFEE BREAK
15:30 – 16:00 “Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act” – Prof Brendan Kelly
16:00 – 16:30 “Drug Trends” – Prof. Eamon Keenan
16:30 – 16:35 Closing Address – NCHD Committee
NCHD Conference 2022

We are pleased to announce that this year’s NCHD Conference will take place on Friday, 25th February 2022 via Zoom Webinar.

Moving Horizons

View the full conference programme here.


We are pleased to announce that the annual NCHD Conference will take place on Friday, 25th February 2022, and will focus on next steps for psychiatry as a discipline and important considerations for us as future consultants. Sadly we have not yet left the pandemic behind us and given the success of the webinar last year, we will maintain this format for 2022.

One of the many benefits of virtual conferences is access to global leaders and we will use this opportunity to hear from international experts on their healthcare systems globally and how Ireland compares. We will also learn from psychiatrists in Ireland on the evolution of personality disorders and new considerations in light of ICD-11. As always, we are delighted to be joined by our colleagues in REFOCUS to learn about the impact of recent challenges on patients and families.

Afternoon sessions will cover sub-specialties within psychiatry including Rehabilitation, Intellectual Disability and Eating Disorders, offering an ideal opportunity for trainees, who may be considering posts in these areas, to gain more understanding.  We will also hear updates on Autism Spectrum Disorder from a renowned research specialist in this field.

We plan to end the day with our inaugural “Trainee Action Panel” to reflect on the impact of the last few months on trainees and their training. After a panel discussion we are aiming for a dynamic interactive session so we can look at viable ways to support trainees. Your attendance and input at this session will be very much appreciated.

This promises to be a fantastic day and we really look forward to seeing you all (virtually)!

Drs Sarah Casey and Aoife O’Callaghan

  • Trainee Committee Co-Chairs 2020-2022
NCHD Conference 2021

We are pleased to announce that this year’s NCHD Conference will take place on Friday, 26th February 2021 via Zoom Webinar.

Psychiatry – Beyond the Basics

We are pleased to announce that this year’s NCHD Conference will take place on from 9:15AM to 4:00PM on Friday, 26th February 2021. The conference theme will explore “Psychiatry – Beyond the Basics” with a focus on developing laterally useful skills for trainees. Given the uncertain trajectory of the pandemic thus far we have decided on a webinar format this year.

Making the most of the virtual nature of the conference, we have an exciting programme of plenary talks from inspiring Irish speakers as well as drawing on international expertise – details to follow shortly. The afternoon sessions will focus on practical skills with ever-useful topics such as; CV-building, exam preparation and starting a successful career in research.

It promises to be a very novel, interesting and enjoyable NCHD Conference for 2021. The CPsychI and the Trainee Committee look forward to seeing you there and hope that the virtual nature of our conference means that more trainees from across the country will be able to join us for this annual event.

Drs Sarah Casey and Aoife O’Callaghan

  • Trainee Committee Co-Chairs 2020-2022

View the Conference Programme here.

Conference Fees

Please see below important information relating to Conference fees.

CPsychI registered Trainees & CPsychI CPD-SS/NCHD Members:

NCHD Non-Members:

  • Non-members enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, credits will be deducted for attendance at this event and you should contact the College by email at to book your place.
  • Non-members not enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme are welcome to attend this event for a fee and should contact the College directly for further information.

If you have any further queries please contact Vivienne Keeley at for information.

NCHD Conference 2020

We are pleased to announce that this year’s NCHD Conference will take place on Friday, 28th February 2020 in the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 and will explore the theme:


“Attachment Through the Lifespan: Connections and Personality”

View the full programe here

Plenary talks will explore how attachments formed throughout our lives shape our personalities and our social ties.  Experts from both Psychiatry and Psychology will present on this theme through the different life stages, from the perinatal period to later life.  The ‘lifespan’ of the trainee and the influences that shape us in our working lives will also be discussed.

Focussing on the challenges facing trainees we plan to host focussed parallel sessions on preparing trainees for the Irish Clinical Exam, interviews and the transition from trainee to Consultant.  Concluding the Conference, we will have a moderated panel discussion on the challenges in Consultant recruitment and retention in psychiatry.

To close the day, you are warmly invited to attend a social event with refreshments where you will have the opportunity to speak with members of the Trainee Committee as well as your fellow NCHDs working across Ireland in many different areas of Psychiatry.

It promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable NCHD Conference for 2020.  The CPychI and the Trainee Committee look forward to seeing you there.

Drs Anna Feeney and David Weir

  • Trainee Committee Co-Chairs 2018-2020

Conference Programme

  • To view the full conference programme, please click here.

Conference Fees

  • Please see below important information relating to Conference fees.

CPsychI registered Trainees & CPsychI CPD-SS/NCHD Members:

CPsychI NCHD Non-Members:

  • CPsychI Non-members enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, credits will be deducted for attendance at this event and you should contact the College by email at to book your place.
  • CPsychI Non-members not enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, are welcome to attend this event for a fee and should contact the College directly for further information.

If you have any further queries please contact Vivienne Keeley at for information.

NCHD Conference 2019

We are pleased to announce that the 10th annual CPsychI & Trainee Committee NCHD Conference will take place on Friday, 1st March 2019 in the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 and will explore the theme:

“Keeping the Law in Mind”

Plenary talks and workshops will explore the interface between Psychiatry and the Law as it applies to all psychiatrists in their day to day practice. Experts from both the psychiatric and legal profession will present on topics including Practicalities of Law for the Psychiatrist, Capacity, Legal Issues in Eating Disorders, and Children and the Law, to name but a few. A moderated panel with representation from Psychiatry, REFOCUS (Recovery Experience Forum of Carers and Users of Services) and the Department of Health will also discuss the complexities of our practice in light of the above in “Making Tough Decisions: The Doctor and Patient Perspective”.

To close the day you are warmly invited to attended a social event with refreshments, where you will have the opportunity to speak with members of the Trainee Committee as well your fellow NCHDs working across Ireland in many different areas of Psychiatry.

It promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable NCHD Conference for 2019. The CPsychI and the Trainee Committee look forward to seeing you there!

Drs Anna Feeney and David Weir

  • Trainee Committee Co-Chairs 2018 – 2019

Conference fees: 

  • Please see below important information relating to Conference fees.

CPsychI registered Trainees & CPsychI CPD-SS/NCHD Members:

  • Free to attend for (1) all doctors enrolled on the CPsychI BST & HST Training Programmes and (2) fully-subscribed NCHD members of the College.

CPsychI NCHD Non-Members:

  • CPsychI Non-members enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, credits will be deducted for attendance at this event and you should contact the College by email at to book your place.
  • CPsychI Non-members not enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, are welcome to attend this event for a fee and should contact the College directly for further information.

If you have any further queries please contact Liz Kavanagh at for information.

The NCHD Conference 2019 is now fully booked. If you wish to be added to the waiting list, please email Liz Kavanagh at

NCHD Conference 2018

“From Mental Health to Mental Illness: The Role of Psychiatry in the 21st Century”

Please note that there is currently a waiting list in place for the NCHD Conference 2018 – please phone Karen McCourt directly on (01) 634 4371 to be placed on same.

This years conference will take place on Friday, 23rd February 2018 in the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 and will explore the theme “From Mental Health to Mental Illness: The Role of Psychiatry in the 21st Century”.

You can view the draft programme in full by clicking HERE.

On the day, plenary talks and workshops will explore this topic and attendees will have the opportunity to hear from some of our most experienced Consultants in Psychiatry, as well as members of the CPsychI REFOCUS Group, on range of subjects including: Vulnerabilty in Doctors, Addictions and Dual Diagnosis, Biological and Neurological aspects of Psychiatry, Interfacing with Medical Colleagues, Service User Experiences and Media.

To close the day you will also be invited to attended a social event, where you will have the opportunity to speak with fellow NCHDs working across Ireland in many different areas of Psychiatry.

**It is also important to note the following re. Conference fees:

CPsychI registered Trainees & (2) CPsychI NCHD Members:
Free to attend for (1) all doctors enrolled on the CPsychI BST & HST Training Programmes and (2) fully-subscribed NCHD members of the College.

CPsychI NCHD Non-Members:

  • CPsychI Non-members enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, credits will be deducted for attendance at this event.
  • CPsychI Non-members not enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, are welcome to attend this event for a fee

If you have any further queries please contact Karen McCourt at for information.

The CPsychI and the Trainee Committee look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable NCHD Conference for 2017.

NCHD Conference 2017

“The Science of Psychiatry”

We are delighted to announce the 8th annual NCHD Conference organised in collaboration with the Trainee Committee of the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland. This years conference will take place on Friday, 17th February 2017 in the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8.

The theme for this years conference is ‘The Science of Psychiatry’.

This topic will explore the many research opportunities and fields available in Psychiatry, and how research findings can be applied to everyday practice. Plenaries and workshops featured throughout the day will be delivered by experts in their respective fields on such topics as diverse as Neuropsychiatry, The Genomics Revolution, Self-Care for Doctors, Forensic and ID Psychiatry, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Getting Research Published and Psychiatry’s Interaction with the Media to name but a few.

Click here to view the programme for the day.

**Please note, the NCHD Conference is now fully booked. Please do not attend without contacting the College in the first instance**

The CPsychI and the Trainee Committee look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable NCHD Conference for 2017.

To read more about the NCHD Conference in 2016, please click here.

NCHD Conference 2016

“Innovations in Psychiatry”

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland are delighted to announce the 7th annual NCHD Conference organised in collaboration with the CPsychI Trainee Committee. This year’s conference will take place on 26th February at the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8.

The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Innovations in Psychiatry’. This theme allows for plenaries and workshops on a wide variety of topics which encompass the past, present and future of Psychiatry, which will inform Trainees’ day-to-day practice. The plenaries and workshops will be delivered by experts in their respective fields on such topics as the History of Psychiatry, Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis, Compassion Focused Therapy, Emerging Street Drugs, Eating Disorders in CAP and The Capacity Bill, to name but a few.

The CPsychI and the Trainee Committee look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable NCHD Conference for 2016.

**Places are limited so please book now to avoid disappointment.**

Click heve to view the DRAFT programme for the 2016 NCHD Conference – please note this may be subject to slight change.

To book your place at your Conference, please fill out the NCHD Conference 2016 Booking Form and return to Karen McCourt at

NCHD Conference 2015

CPSYCHI: Press Release April 2015

The College of Psychiatrists hosts ‘Masterclasses for Trainees’.

Click here to download the program.

The annual College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) NCHD conference took place recently in the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham in Dublin, and was a great success with a high turnout of Trainee Psychiatrists and NCHDs.

The Conference, organised by the Trainee Committee, a dedicated working group within the College was based on the theme “Masterclasses for Trainees”. The day delivered a diverse and thought-provoking programme. Trainees were invited to attend a wide range of plenaries and workshops which encompassed topics that can prove challenging to Trainees in everyday clinical practice.

Stimulating plenary sessions opened the conference. Prof Greg Swanwick, Dean of Education of the College discussed some of the major changes in Psychiatry training over the last number of years. In particular, Prof Swanwick discussed the recent formation of Deaneries, the introduction of pre-defined rotations for all Basic and Higher Specialist Trainees, the establishment of the Irish membership exam and the recent  implementation of streamlined training.

“Caring for the Mental Health of Women in Pregnancy” highlighted the particular challenges and considerations associated with women’s mental health in pregnancy and childbirth. Dr Anthony McCarthy, Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director at St. Vincent’s University Hospital, gave a valuable insight into the challenges Psychiatrists face in treating women in pregnancy, with a particular focus on safe prescribing for pregnant women.

Dr Paul Moran (Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist at St Colmcille’s and St Michael’s hospitals) offered an interesting talk on Gender Dysphoria, outlining the background to Gender Identity Disorders and the process of transition and gender reassignment. Dr Moran also outlined how to manage co-morbid health problems that may present alongside Gender Dysphoria.

In addition to the plenary sessions, attendees also had a wide choice of afternoon workshops based on a range of specialist topics such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Adult Psychiatry for Homeless People, Psychotherapeutic Skills and The Transition from CAMHS to Adult Mental Health Services, as well as on clinical issues such as Video EEG in the Diagnosis of Epileptic Seizures and ECG Use in Clinical Practice.

The REFOCUS (Recovery Experience Forum of Carers and Service Users) group of the College presented a workshop, inviting discussion and debate on their Carers position paper, “Who Cares? Listening to the needs and experiences of carers of people with mental illness”.

Ms Lorna Power from Trinity College Dublin was announced as the winner of this year’s Medical Student Essay Prize, for her essay based on the title “Stigma in Mental Health – the Role of the Media”. Runnerup prizes were also awarded to: Mr Adam Dyer (TCD), Ms Lisa McNamee (RCSI), Mr Brian McMorrow (UCD), Ms Esther Hor (UCD), Mr John Murtagh (UCD), Ms Aisling Doyle (UCC) and Ms Ella Cahalan (NUIG).

“The Trainee Committee are delighted with the success of the sixth annual NCHD Conference”, said Dr Gearoid Moynihan, Chair of the Trainee Committee of the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland, and conference Chair for the day. “The day was very well attended by Trainees, each at various stages of training, and in particular it was great that the Conference theme was informed by feedback from Trainees who have attended previous events”.

Dr Moynihan also expressed his thanks on behalf of the NCHD Conference Working Group, “We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all speakers who gave of their time on the day, whose contributions were invaluable. We would also like to thank all Trainees who attended. We look forward to another interesting and informative day next year”.