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Press Statement: College welcomes announcement of National Clinical Lead for Child and Youth Mental Health

CPsychI welcomes the appointment of Dr Amanda Burke as Ireland’s first National Clinical Lead for Child and Youth Mental Health.

Following the announcement of the new Clinical Lead role as part of the recommendations arising from the Maskey Report, the College commends Minister Mary Butler in the successful funding and delivery of this post, one which will be crucial in ensuring there is a clinically led, strategic and targeted vision for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) into the future.

We look forward to working closely with Dr Burke to support her work in building excellence across CAMHS, with a renewed focus on necessary planning and developments for the services. Direct investment in CAMHS has been acutely needed for some time, and immediate allocation of resources and funding are required in order to further develop the patient-centred, evidence-based, world-leading specialist mental health services the children and young people of Ireland deserve.