Theme: Health Inequities and Inequalities as we Age in Ireland
Call announcement: 31st May 2016
Expression of Interest Submission Deadline: 28th June 2017 (12 noon)
Application Submission Deadline: 6th September 2017 (12 noon)
What is the purpose of these Research Awards?
The purpose of the HSE Research Awards on Ageing is ‘to enhance population health and wellbeing over the trajectory of ageing by the creation and use of knowledge to ensure Ireland is a good place to grow old’. The National Positive Ageing Strategy promotes a vision of active and healthy ageing and this is further supported by the Healthy Ireland Policy (Department of Health, 2013). Reduction of Health Inequities and Inequalities is identified as a key priority in the Healthy Ireland Framework. The HSE and the Department of Health recognise the value of undertaking research for improving and maintaining health and wellbeing for older people. The aim of these research awards is to promote and sustain the use of research and evidence to explore Health Inequities and Inequalities as we Age in Ireland. This will help to inform policy and practice to ensure Ireland is a good place for everyone to grow old.
Scope of the call
An ageing population has implications for policy, planning and service delivery. A fundamental step towards reducing Health Inequities and identifying Health Inequalities as we Age in Ireland is to ensure that policymaking is developed from evidence-based research. Consequently the HSE Research Awards on Ageing 2017 would like to invite submissions in this thematic area. Priority will be given to high quality primary research applications.
Funding available
There is a total of €500,000 available in this call. Primary research will be prioritised. We aim to award up to three awards with the exact value depending on the appropriate costing of each application. The potential maximum award is €300,000 with the minimum award being €100,000.
Who can apply?
Applications may be submitted by individuals or groups from higher education institutions, service providers, public, non-profit voluntary, charity and community sectors. Principal Investigators must be employed by a Higher Education Institution or the organisations defined above, from across the Island of Ireland (North or South). Applicants are permitted to act as a Principal Investigator on one project application only, but can act as Co-Investigators or Collaborators on multiple applications.
How to apply?
The Expression of Interest, Application Form, Guidance Notes and Frequently Asked Questions for the call will be available on the HSE website from the 31 May 2017.
For more information
For any queries about applying for these research awards, please email:
This awards programme is co-funded by the Atlantic Philanthropies and the HSE (Health and Wellbeing Division).