PRESS STATEMENT: The College of Psychiatrists intends writing to Minister Harris asking why psychiatry is not represented on the newly formed Sláintecare Advisory Council (03/10/18)
While it is encouraging to see progress on Sláintecare implementation it is very disappointing that psychiatry has not been asked for representation given that many consultant psychiatrists have experience in implementing change in mental healthcare, as per the terms of reference of appointing members to this advisory council (‘The Council has been selected on the basis of their experience and/or expertise in implementing change both within and outside health services, in Ireland and/or internationally’).
In addition, given that results of an Ipsos MRBI poll commissioned and published by Mental Health Reform yesterday indicate strong public support for increased State investment in Ireland’s mental health services, to exclude representation from mental health services on the council seems to indicate once again the lack of real political will in this area and is not in line with public feeling and belief.