CPsychI Educational Supervisors

Postgraduate Training

This section provides information and help to those qualified doctors seeking to undertake specialist training in psychiatry, medical students and doctors in training considering it and for the general public.

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) is responsible for all aspects of postgraduate training in psychiatry in Ireland. It aims to provide the best possible training for qualified doctors at both basic and higher ‘Specialist’ level in psychiatry.

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Contacts for Postgraduate Training

Kellie Myers
Senior Manager, PGT Operations

Kevin Costello
Continuous Assessment Manager

Yomna Khalil
Accreditation Administrator

Fiona Halsberghe-Murphy
Continuous Assessment Administrator

Emma Lindsay
Courses and E-Learning Co-ordinator

Iryna Pariyarath
Trainee Committee & Courses Administrator

Becoming a CPsychI Educational Supervisor

As an Educational Supervisor you will play a crucial role in the delivery of our Basic and Higher Specialist Training Programmes. You will guide Trainees along the path to becoming a specialist and help the next generation of psychiatrists reach their full potential.
Educational Supervisors in the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland must:

  • Be a member of CPsychI
  • Be entered on the IMC specialist register for the specialty of the post which is being supervised.
  • Be PCS compliant
  • Be in a substantive Consultant post for HST Educational Supervision. Locum consultants can apply to become BST Educational Supervisors
  • Have completed and submitted an annual Educational Approval Form (EAF) for their training post
  • Have completed CPsychI induction training for Educational Supervisors

For further information on becoming an Educational Supervisor and / or to have a new BST or HST post approved, please contact accreditation@irishpsychistry.ie

CPsychI Educational Supervisor Supports

As an Educational Supervisor you have access to a number of resources which will support you in your role. These resources and supports are available on moodle here
Within moodle you will find:
Upcoming courses and training activities, including

  • ARP refresher training
  • Educational Supervisor refresher training

Resources including training regulations, important policies and the Educational Supervisors Guide
Information on the Educational Approval Form (EAF) renewal process
Information on becoming a CPsychI Examiner for the BST clinical exam
Information on the ARP process and becoming an ARP panel member
We are here to help and support you in your role as Educational Supervisor. A full list of contacts is available on the left hand side of this page.

Opportunities for CPsychI Educational Supervisors to support Training

  • Become an ARP panel member
  • Become an examiner for the BST clinical examination
  • Get involved with Training Site Accreditation
  • Panel member for Trainee Recruitment – BST and HST training programmes annually
  • Become a Basic Specialist Training Vice Dean as opportunities arise
  • Become a Higher Specialist Training Mentor as opportunities arise
  • Represent your specialty on a subcommittee of the Postgraduate Training Committee
  • Opportunities to support CPsychI training related projects