Training Letters

Postgraduate Training

This section provides information and help to those qualified doctors seeking to undertake specialist training in psychiatry, medical students and doctors in training considering it and for the general public.

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) is responsible for all aspects of postgraduate training in psychiatry in Ireland. It aims to provide the best possible training for qualified doctors at both basic and higher ‘Specialist’ level in psychiatry.

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Contacts for Postgraduate Training

Kellie Myers
Senior Manager, PGT Operations

Kevin Costello
Continuous Assessment Manager

Yomna Khalil
Accreditation Administrator

Fiona Halsberghe-Murphy
Continuous Assessment Administrator

Emma Lindsay
Courses and E-Learning Co-ordinator

Iryna Pariyarath
Trainee Committee & Courses Administrator


Please read the different categories below carefully. To request a letter, click the dropdown beside the heading and complete the form.

    Current Trainee (BST) - Confirmation of Training Letter - Basic - Submit Below


    Foundation YearBST 1BST 2BST 3Finished BST in last 2 YearsOther please specify below

      Current Trainee (BST) - Confirmation of Training Letter - Extended - Submit Below


      Foundation YearBST 1BST 2BST 3Finished BST in last 2 YearsOther please specify below

        Previous Trainee (commenced July 2011 - present)- Confirmation of Training Letter - Submit Below

        An official letter certifying your completion of Basic Specialist Training can be provided. The issuance of Certificates of Satisfactory Completion of Specialist Training and all other documents requesting certification for a period of training incur a fee of €250 (effective from November 2015 and as per the College’s Regulations).

        For us to issue the letter you will need to provide a list of all posts held, including which deanery you were in and the sites where you were located.


        Please upload a CV / list of placements occupied during training

          Previous Trainee (commenced previous to July 2011)- Confirmation of Training Letter - Submit Below

          An official letter certifying your completion of Basic Specialist Training can be provided. The issuance of Certificates of Satisfactory Completion of Specialist Training and all other documents requesting certification for a period of training incur a fee of €250 (effective from November 2015 and as per the College’s Regulations).

          For us to issue the letter you will need to provide a list of all posts held, including which deanery you were in and the sites where you were located. You will also need to submit evidence from the clinical sites where you trained, that you held the posts as a bona fide trainee. We may be able to advise on contact details for clinical sites. Contact


          Please upload a CV / list of placements occupied during training

          Please upload evidence of BST posts held as a bone fide trainee - provided by employer, i.e. HSE HR personnel

          Further evidence can be submitted to