BST Interviews – Information for Candidates

Postgraduate Training

This section provides information and help to those qualified doctors seeking to undertake specialist training in psychiatry, medical students and doctors in training considering it and for the general public.

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) is responsible for all aspects of postgraduate training in psychiatry in Ireland. It aims to provide the best possible training for qualified doctors at both basic and higher ‘Specialist’ level in psychiatry.

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Contacts for Postgraduate Training

Kellie Myers
Senior Manager, PGT Operations

Kevin Costello
Continuous Assessment Manager

Yomna Khalil
Accreditation Administrator

Fiona Halsberghe-Murphy
Continuous Assessment Administrator

Emma Lindsay
Courses and E-Learning Co-ordinator

Iryna Pariyarath
Trainee Committee & Courses Administrator

General House Keeping

  • Candidates should complete the interview in a quiet, private location which is free from distraction.
  • It is your responsibility as the candidate to arrange your own electronic device and Wi-Fi access which are suitable to undertaking an interview (PC, iPad or Tablet, not a mobile phone).
  • Candidates should not use any recording equipment nor take any screen recordings (either audio or visual) during the course of the interview.
  • Candidates will be asked to show the identification page on their passport at the start of the interview.

I.T. Equipment / Requirements


  • The interview will be conducted online via Zoom Video Conferencing (  Candidates must be able to ‘Join a Meeting’ using the Zoom links provided.
  • Candidates must ensure that their Zoom account clearly displays their full name in order to identify themselves correctly on admittance to the interview.
  • It is recommended that candidates download Zoom onto the Desktop of their laptop/PC for ease of use ahead of the interview day.
  • It is highly recommended that candidates test the technology in advance to make sure it works and for familiarity of use.