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CPsychI Fellowship Ceremony 2019

On the occasion of the College 10th Anniversary, Council approved the awarding of Honorary Fellowships and Fellowships. The Fellowship Ceremony took place at the Annual Spring Conference, Thursday, 4th April 2019.

Dr John Hillery, President of the College, opened the Fellowship Ceremony at the Spring Conference:

“This time of celebration of a decade of evolution and success for the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland must prompt planning for the future built on the past. As we begin this process it is important to remember the people who had the vision to found the College and those who nurtured its growth through difficult times. Thus the College Council decided to award Fellowships and Honorary Fellowships to the key people whose positive actions ensured that the College was initiated, survived and grew as a factor in Irish life”.

Fellowships are awarded to give special recognition with distinction to members of the College honouring their contribution to the progress, achievement and success of the College in particular.

Honorary Fellowships are awarded to those who are not members of the College, but who the College wish to recognise for their contribution to the College and psychiatry in Ireland.

The College is pleased to award its first Honorary Fellowship, posthumously, to Dr Mark Hartman who had the vision to establish the Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine in 1982. An Honorary Fellowship is also awarded to Mrs Martina Hartman, wife of Dr Mark Hartman who fulfilled Mark’s wish to pass the journal to the ownership of the College pf Psychiatrists. The College is therefore eternally grateful to Martina for the Journal becoming the official journal of the College.

Dr John Hillery said “the generosity of the Hartman family in giving the Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine to the College as its official journal was unprecedented and the awarding of an Honorary Fellowship to Martina Hartman allows us to thank her and her family and remember Dr Mark Hartman’s major contribution to Irish Psychiatry and to academic standards in Irish Medical Practice as a whole.”


In recognition of their vision, foresight and work in the early years to establish the College and the structures that exist today, College council approved the awarding of fellowships to the following:

Dr Justin Brophy
Member of the Steering Group and First President (2009-2010)
Dr Anthony McCarthy
Member of the Steering Group and first Vice-President 2009-2010 and subsequently President (2011-2013)
Dr Consilia Walsh
Member of the Steering Group and first Director of PCS (2009-2012) and subsequently Treasurer (2013-2016)
Dr Siobhán Barry
Member of the Steering Group and first Director of External Affairs and Policy (2009)(This award is posthumous –  Dr Joe Barry received the award)
Dr Ruth Loane
Past President of the College (2014-2016) and also past Vice-President (2011-2013)
Dr John Tobin
Past Vice-President (2014-2016) and treasurer (2011-2012)
Dr Kathleen Ganter
Member of the Steering Group (This award is posthumous –  Dr Declan Ganter received the award)
Dr Margo Wrigley
Member of the Steering Group
Dr Ian Daly
Member of the Steering Group
Dr Jackie Benbow
Member of the Steering Group
Prof Greg Swanwick
Dean (2011-2019)
Dr Miriam Kennedy
Past Director of PCS (2013-2015) and past Director of External Affairs and Policy (2016 – March 2019)
Dr Aisling Denihan
First treasurer of the College (2009-2010)
Dr Anne Jeffers
Past Director of External Affairs and Policy (2011 – 2014)


Members can view the CPsychI Annual Spring Conference Photo Gallery Here

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