The European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees

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Membership is open to all psychiatrists working in Ireland and overseas. We also offer membership to medical students and interns absolutely free. The College membership year runs from 1st November to 31st October.

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Contacts For Members

The European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees (EFPT)

The European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees (EFPT) is an independent Federation of Psychiatric Trainees Associations. The EFPT is officially recognised by the European Board of Psychiatry and European Board of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The Federation will serve psychiatric trainees in all branches of psychiatry all over Europe. For further details on EFPT please click here.

EFPT Exchange Programme

This is the opportunity for Psychiatric Trainees to go on exchange throughout Europe. The EFPT wishes to promote and encourage an intercultural professional exchange and cooperation among Psychiatric Trainees across Europe, with a focus on individual experience. The programme was established in 2011 and has been receiving extremely positive feedback from exchange Trainees and Supervisors.

You can find a list of the participating countries, the name of the local co-ordinator as well as information on the posts available in each country on the EFPT website here.

What about the duration and financial aspects?

Its duration is between 2 and 6 weeks. It is all based on personal engagement and self-funded.

What can I learn?

You will be able to observe clinics and attend educational meetings and teaching sessions, equivalent to local Trainees at the same level. You will experience another mental health care system, and learn about transcultural Psychiatry. You will also be able to meet with professionals of your area of interest and enjoy social and cultural activities. Some of the programmes offer highly specialised services and training opportunities.

How to apply to the EFPT Exchange Programme?

Application to the EFPT Exchange Program is online and is open twice a year, starting on 1st of November and 1st of May, with an application period of one month. This corresponds to the two exchange period phases: March to August and September to February. Each applicant can only apply for one country each application period.

The selection of candidates is made by the Local and National Coordinators, in cooperation with the supervisors of the host institution, on the basis of a Curriculum Vitae, Motivation Letter and Letter of Recommendation, according to predetermined marking criteria.