
Faculty / CPsychI Committee Representations:

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Membership is open to all psychiatrists working in Ireland and overseas. We also offer membership to medical students and interns absolutely free. The College membership year runs from 1st November to 31st October.

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Faculty / CPsychI Committee Representations

Trainee Committee members attend Faculty/Committee meetings as agreed, to represent the Committee and act as a liaison between the Trainee Committee and all other CPsychI Faculties/Committees and Working Groups.


Council Drs Christopher Mohan, Harriet Ryan
Faculty of Adult Psychiatry Drs Niamh Dhondt, Rona Hunt, Henry Roberts
Faculty of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Drs Gerry Rafferty, Orlagh Deighan
Faculty of Addictions Psychiatry Drs Shahzeb Shahid, Niamh Murray, Siobhan Sheehy
Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry Drs Eimear Counihan, Lisa Jordan
Faulty of Psychotherapy Drs Louisa Gannon, Henry Roberts
Faculty of Learning Disability Drs John Malaka, Muhammad Muneeb Mushtaq
Faculty of Liaison Psychiatry Drs Maura Grummell, Paula Connolly, Kate Corrigan
Faulty of Social & Rehabilitation Dr Lisa Jordan
Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry Drs Seán Crowley, Shahzeb Shahid, Ashok Godavarthi, Niamh Crowley
Faculty of Youth & Student Drs Niamh Dhondt, Piril Cevikel
Academic Faculty Drs Seán Crowley , Maura Grummell, Niamh Dhondt, Shahzeb Shahid
EFPT Drs Christopher Mohan, Harriet Ryan
REFOCUS Dr Ciara O’Connor
PTC Drs Christopher Mohan, Harriet Ryan, Paula Connolly, Niamh Dhondt, Shahzeb Shahid
Accreditation Sub-Com Drs Christopher Mohan, Harriet Ryan
SCCAARP Drs Christopher Mohan, Harriet Ryan
Courses & ELearning Drs Orlagh Deighan, Eimear Counihan, Maura Grummell, Niamh Dhondt, Henry Roberts, Kate Corrigan
Law Committee Drs Lisa Jordan, Paula Connolly
Human Rights and Ethics Committee Drs Christopher Mohan, Muhammad Muneeb Mushtaq
Forum of Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies Drs Maura Grummell, Seán Crowley