Continuous Professional Development-Support Scheme (CPD-SS) for NCHDs in Non-Training Posts

Brief Overview of the Continuous Professional Development – Support Scheme

The Continuous Professional Development – Support Scheme has been commissioned by the HSE to provide non-training NCHDs with educational funding to assist them in maintaining their professional competence in line with Medical Council requirements. (NCHDs are required to achieve a minimum of 20 External CPD Credits per annum). This educational funding is provided in the form of 20 annual CPD-SS credits that can be used against attendance at courses run by Postgraduate Training Bodies in Ireland. External Credits gained through attendance at courses can then be counted towards meeting the Medical Council of Ireland Professional Competence requirements.

Eligibility Criteria 2023

If you answer YES to ALL of the below questions, you are eligible and should enrol in the Continuous Professional Development – Support Scheme (Educational Funding for non-Training NCHDS):

  1. Are you currently enrolled in a Professional Competence Scheme (PCS) as required by law? Are you up to date with all payments regarding your PCS?
  2. Do you hold the NCHD Contract 2010? Please note you must forward an up to-date copy of your contract with your application or it will not be processed.
  3. Do you work within the public health service?
  4. Are you registered on the General Division or Supervised Division of the Register of Medical Practitioners maintained by the Medical Council?

If you have answered NO to any of the above questions, you are NOT eligible to register for the CPD Support Scheme.

Professional Competence Scheme

As stated above,  you must enrol on and be up-to-date with payments for a Professional Competence Scheme before  enrolling on a Continuous Professional Development – Support Scheme.

PCS Office details:

CPD-SS Guidance
CPD-SS Application process