Specialist Training Fund 2024-2025

To complement the suite of educational and training supports implemented on foot of the introduction of the NCHD Contract 2010, the HSE continues to have in place a specialist training fund for higher specialist trainees. This fund is to support and aid your participation in education and training events which are additional to those mandatory elements defined in the agreements in place between the HSE and the postgraduate medical training bodies.

The Specialist Training Fund is only available to higher specialist trainees who are enrolled in approved higher training programmes (this fund was previously known as the Discretionary Fund).

2024/25 Claims

The funding available to each HST trainee is equivalent to €500 per year of higher specialist training remaining as of 1st July 2010.

Please review the attached Guidance Document 2024 for further information about the specialist training fund and to determine if you are eligible to apply. Eligibility criteria include being in a clinical post for which you are receiving training credit and holding an NCHD contract.

Trainees can apply for funding in respect of financial liabilities incurred between the following dates: Monday, 08 July 2024 to Sunday, 6 July 2025.

How to Claim

2024/2025: Complete the 2024/2025 Reimbursement Form and return it with the appropriate supporting documentation to Ms Kellie Myers, Postgraduate Training Administrator, College of Psychiatrists of Ireland.

For further information about the specialist training fund for higher specialist trainees please email the Ms Kellie Myers or visit www.hse.ie/doctors