Training Courses

The College is committed by its Scope of Services Agreement with the HSE to provide a range of courses for Trainees. These courses will be provided or commissioned by CPsychI as part of its range of mandatory training services to Trainees. There is no course fee for Trainees. As places are limited, early booking is advisable.

The College’s virtual learning environment, Moodle, will now host information regarding training courses for Basic Specialist Trainees and Higher Specialist Trainees.


The Postgraduate Training Department is delighted to announce that the first suite of Higher Specialist Training e-modules are now available on CPsychI Moodle. The objective of these e-modules is to provide a collection of educational material across the main clinical areas for trainees in psychiatry. Providing these modules online ensures that all trainees have equal access regardless of geographical location. It also offers flexibility for trainees to learn independently at their convenience.

You can access the e-modules here

HST Masterclasses

A comprehensive programme of HST Masterclasses is run annually. Most of these classes are online via Zoom webinar with some in-person days. Topics include ADHD, Perinatal Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology, Research Skills & more.

Book HST Masterclasses here

Research Hub

Moodle now houses a research hub for Higher Specialist Trainees. Here you will find research FAQ’s, opportunities, recordings and resources.

Login to Moodle here to view the Research Hub here