Becoming a CPsychI Educational Supervisor

As an Educational Supervisor you will play a crucial role in the delivery of our Basic and Higher Specialist Training Programmes. You will guide Trainees along the path to becoming a specialist and help the next generation of psychiatrists reach their full potential.

Educational Supervisors in the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland must:

  • Be a member of CPsychI
  • Be entered on the IMC specialist register for the specialty of the post which is being supervised.
  • Be PCS compliant
  • Be in a substantive Consultant post for HST Educational Supervision. Locum consultants can apply to become BST Educational Supervisors
  • Have completed and submitted an annual Educational Approval Form (EAF) for their training post
  • Have completed CPsychI induction training for Educational Supervisors

For further information on becoming an Educational Supervisor and / or to have a new BST or HST post approved, please contact

CPsychI Educational Supervisor Supports

As an Educational Supervisor you have access to a number of resources which will support you in your role. These resources and supports are available on moodle here

Within moodle you will find:

  • Upcoming courses and training activities, including:
    • ARP refresher training
    • Educational Supervisor refresher training
  • Resources including training regulations, important policies and the Educational Supervisors Guide
  • Information on the Educational Approval Form (EAF) renewal process
  • Information on becoming a CPsychI Examiner for the BST clinical exam
  • Information on the ARP process and becoming an ARP panel member

We are here to help and support you in your role as Educational Supervisor. A full list of contacts is available on the left hand side of this page.

Opportunities for CPsychI Educational Supervisors to support Training
  • Become an ARP panel member
  • Become an examiner for the BST clinical examination
  • Get involved with Training Site Accreditation
  • Panel member for Trainee Recruitment – BST and HST training programmes annually
  • Become a Basic Specialist Training Vice Dean as opportunities arise
  • Become a Higher Specialist Training Mentor as opportunities arise
  • Represent your specialty on a subcommittee of the Postgraduate Training Committee
  • Opportunities to support CPsychI training related projects