Training Courses

The College is committed by its Scope of Services Agreement with the HSE to provide a range of courses for Trainees.

These courses will be provided or commissioned by CPsychI as part of its range of mandatory training services to Trainees. There is no course fee for Trainees. As places are limited, early booking is advisable.

The College’s virtual learning environment, Moodle, will now host information regarding training courses for Basic Specialist Trainees and Higher Specialist Trainees.


The objective of these e-modules is to provide a collection of educational material across the main clinical areas for Trainees in Psychiatry. Providing these modules online ensures that all Trainees have equal access no matter their geographical location. It also offers flexibility for Trainees to learn independently at their convenience.

Any doctor who commenced Foundation Year from 2016 – 2022 is required to complete the McMaster University Psychotherapy e-Resources (PTeR). The e-resources were developed by McMaster University, Canada and are hosted on the McMaster University Moodle site (link: A summary report showing the grades and time spent in each module you have completed can be added to the ‘E-Module Certificates’ section of your E-Portfolio. To run a summary report, please go to any of the PTeR modules you have completed and click on ‘Reports’.  You can also select ‘Full Summary Log’. Both options will give you a breakdown of the hours and grades for each module you have completed. You will need to take a screenshot of this to upload, as there is no facility to download the report.

PTeR Modules: Introduction to Psychotherapy, Emotion Focused Therapy, CBT for Depression, CBT for Anxiety, Psychodynamic Therapy, Family Psychotherapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Group Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, CBT for Psychosis.

The CPsychI has developed several Psychotherapy e-Modules and is in the process of developing more, all of which are housed on Moodle – See list below

From 2023, Foundation Year trainees must complete the CPsychI Psychotherapy e-modules and will not be required to submit evidence relating to PTeR modules. The modules must be completed by the end of BST 3, and progression with same will be reviewed at each annual review of progress (ARP). To demonstrate progress with this requirement, completion certificates must be uploaded to the trainee’s E-Portfolio account. These certificates are retrievable through Moodle. Also, please note that these psychotherapy e-Modules are additional to the existing requirement to complete the FY e-Modules.

For trainees (pre July 2016 entry) completion of the Psychotherapy Training e-Resources is recommended but not mandatory and can be used as an educational resource to familiarise yourself with some concepts.