A Vision For Change

A Vision for Change proposes a framework for promoting mental health at all levels of society and for delivering specialist care to everyone who needs it. It recognises both the strengths and inadequacies of existing services and outlines a strategy for building on the innovations heralded by Planning for the Future.

It details a series of actions for developing a comprehensive person-centred model of mental health service provision.

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland is very pleased to be involved in the ongoing review of A Vision for Change. Please see a number of submissions below from 2009 – 2012 to learn more about our contribution to A Vision for Changes‘ progress over the years.

CPSYCHI reports on A Vision for Change

February 2012 CPsychI report to IMG re progress in 2011
January 2012 Position Paper – Specialist Mental Health Services for Homeless People
Summary Position Paper Specialist Mental Health Services for Homeless People
January 2011 Out of State Placements for People with a Learning Disability:
Excluded, Expelled and Exported: The Citizens we’ve ignored and those we’ve exiled:
CPsychI 5th anniversary report on A Vision for Change
November 2010 Progress on A Vision for Change: Report to the 2nd Independent monitoring group
January 2010 Vision without Action – CPSYCHI Comment on a Vision for Change 4 years on
January 2009 A Gloomy View – CPSYCHI Comment on a Vision for Change 3 years on

Papers from the former Irish Psychiatric Association on a Vision for Change

January 2008 The Lie of the Land Report
January 2007 IPA A Vision in Hindsight 2007
January 2006 IPA The Stark facts Report
February 2006 IPA The Black Hole Report