Blog, College in the media, College Papers, Submissions & Publications, EAP Activities, External Affairs & Policy, Government Policy, Media, Mental Health Legislation, Of interest from media
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Irish Times: Assisted dying: ‘Difficult to identify sufficient safeguards to protect vulnerable’, politicians told

Coverage from the Irish Times regarding the Tuesday, 14 November Oireachtas Joint Committee on Assisted Dying to discuss concerns around coercion. The Committee meeting featured...
Blog, College in the media, College Papers, Submissions & Publications, EAP Activities, External Affairs & Policy, Government Policy, Media, Mental Health Legislation, Of interest from media
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College representatives present at Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying: Video and Transcript

On Tuesday, College representatives Dr Siobhan MacHale, Dr Eric Kelleher and Dr Anita Ambikapathy spoke with the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Assisted Dying to raise...
Blog, College in the media, College Papers, Submissions & Publications, EAP Activities, External Affairs & Policy, Government Policy, Media, Mental Health Legislation, Of interest from media
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Irish Independent: Citizens’ Assembly vote not to legalise cannabis is the correct decision – just ask Portugal

Catherine Conlon writes for the Irish Independent on the recent decision by the Citizens' Assembly on Drug Use to recommend diverting those found in possession...