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CPsychI Statement on Racism

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland wishes to state our complete opposition to racism in all forms, in light of the killing of George Floyd in the US city of Minneapolis, and the protests against racial discrimination and inequality that have followed across America and the rest of the world.

We fully support calls to end the inequality and other abhorrent acts of racism, both physical and psychological, caused by structural and institutional racism.

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland stands with the Black community and all those opposed to racism and acknowledge that this problem extends and goes unaddressed beyond the United States. The effects of racially-motivated discrimination and violence on Black, Traveller and other ethnic groups in Ireland cannot be understated. We recognise their lived experiences of discrimination and trauma owing to racial prejudice and wish to use this awareness to contribute to the betterment of the lives of all communities affected by racism in Ireland.

The College is committed to ensuring issues related to culture and ethnicity are included across our training curriculum so that our future specialists in psychiatry are equipped to deliver mental healthcare that is culturally sensitive and appropriate.

It is of great benefit to the College, and the Irish mental health care system, that we count specialists and trainees from all over the world, and of many and diverse ethnic backgrounds, amongst our membership. Our training structures are intended to support Trainees in their work and to ensure that no Trainee is adversely impacted by discrimination in any form.

**Note: this statement has been updated from a version first published on 8th June 2020

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