Registration is now open for the Foundation in Balint Leadership training course 2024/2025.

CPD: The Foundation in Balint Leadership three day course, is approved for 6 External CPD credits per completed day (maximum 18 External CPD credits for three day attendance).
Further hours of reading / reflection / personal study can be logged by the individual psychiatrist as Personal CPD credits (1 per hour).
Further participation in Balint groups can be logged as Internal CPD, with a log of attendance signed off by a co-ordinator / leader to be kept by the individual psychiatrist as evidence.

Aim of course:
The training provides an introduction to balint theory and development of balint leadership skills.

– Open to all consultant members and senior registrars who are already co-leading balint groups or who are planning to set up a group within the next few months.
– Demonstrate an interest and commitment to ongoing learning about balint leadership, group processes and theory
– Demonstrate an ability for reflective thinking about one’s own leadership skills in a group
– Commitment to attending all three training days in person and regular online supervision sessions of your balint group

Certificate of completion of Foundation in Balint Leadership, awarded by the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland.
Please note that this training course can be counted as part of the training pathway for accreditation by the UK Balint Society.

Dates for In-person Training:
November 29th 2024, January 31st 2025, March 28th 2025.

Venue: College of Psychiatrists of Ireland, 5 Herbert Street, Dublin 2

Additional time commitment:
Monthly attendance at supervision for 8 months

Course Fees:
Consultant: €600
Senior Registrar: €300

Available places: There are 30 places available on the course
If the level of interest is greater than the number of training places available, allocation of places will be based on responses to the pre-registration questionnaire and we may contact you for further information or clarification where necessary.

Closing date for registration of interest: Wednesday, 11th September 2024

Please register your interest for this course through a short pre-registration questionnaire below.

We will be touch with you by Friday September 20th, 2024 to confirm if you have secured a place and outline registration details for the course.

Further enquiries: