Online CPD can be useful during periods when a doctor can’t access their normal internal or external CPD activities.

You can claim [up to 10] Internal and [10] External CPD credits [no limit for PCS Year ending 30/04/2024] per PCS year from the approved list below

Generally, credits are allocated by the online learning provider per completed module. Where the provider doesn’t indicate the credits for the module, the general rule is 1 CPD credit per hour of learning activity.

Content on the following websites has been approved by the CPsychI for CPD

If you wish to claim online learning activity for CPD, you should ensure you complete any tests at the end of a module and then print off your certificate for the module.

Other Online CPD websites

A great number of learning resources are available online, of varying quality and relevance to CPD for the psychiatrist.
Psychiatrists who undertake online learning which they feel fits the criteria for their CPD, on a website which is not included in the approved sites listed above, may either:

  1.  Submit a request using the online application form below to have the resource reviewed for CPD approval. If approved, the resource will be added to the list of CPD approved websites. Internal and/or External CPD credits may be then logged for time spent completing learning modules on the approved website.
  2. Claim CPD credits under the Personal CPD category.

Pharma sponsored websites, or sites carrying pharma advertising cannot be considered for CPD purposes.